
STEM Reach Program - Introduce and expand a STEM sailing program to more island children.

With a generous $3,500 grant from US Sailing -  SailVI in coordination with the St Croix Yacht Club (SCYC) are both excited to introduce and expand a STEM sailing program to more island children through school, afterschool and Summer programs. Introducing the REACH program to St Croix’s school children will offer the opportunity for those children to have exposure not only to STEM principals but to the sea and sailing.  Without a program such as REACH these students would not have the opportunity to be exposed to the rewarding sport of sailing. 
For further information about SCYC -

What is REACH?

US Sailing’s REACH Program combines STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) with the sport of sailing for a fun, effective learning experience. Reach challenges students to reach higher academically, reach further personally, and reach deeper into the depths of science and technology. From an organizational view REACH provides sailing centers with an opportunity to create diversity within the sport, to partner with schools and offer the resources many teachers can only wish for a hands-on wet science lab, boats docks, and the great outdoors, and the opportunity to remove barriers to local waterways for your community.

The Reach curriculum currently consists of ten modules – or lesson plans – covering different topics related to some aspect of sailing. Reach uses sailing as the platform to 1) teach STEM concepts, making traditionally dry, academic subjects relevant and fun, and 2) connect students with the environment, fostering life-long stewardship. Developed by a team of experts from multiple disciplines and backgrounds the modules expertly guide instructors through each lesson plan. The REACH Student Logbook & Portfolio is the perfect way for students to follow along, collect data, and reflect on their learning throughout the modules.

Media Presence - Fund enhanced media exposure of existing and proposed sailing programs and events.

Expand awareness of current and future programs and scholarships more broadly to the Virgin Island community.

Scholarships - Provide scholarships to offset costs for Learn to Sail coaching and afterschool transportation.

Scholarship support encourages participation in the afterschool sailing programs for those junior sailors and their families on tight budgets.

SCYC Fleet - Funding to support fleet repairs, maintenance and equipment upgrades.

The SCYC fleet of more than 50 dinghies and support boats require continuous repairs and maintenance, equipment replacements and upgrades as needed are very expensive.  Donations are greatly appreciated to offset some of these costs.

SailVI Operations - Funds reserved for use as needed in support of organizational administration pursuant to SailVI Mission Statement.

Operating reserves for SailVI to improve organizational capacity and support future self-sufficiency and sustainability, allowing us to expand our services.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
William Arthur Ward, American Writer